From time to time here at blog central a reader will pick up on a post and add important details or expand the scope of interest and inquiry presented.
I received such a comment from an anonymous source on a post from January 2012 today. See: South Korean Protesters Care for 'Comfort Woman' Statue.
The comment stressed the importance of recognizing that the issue of so called Korean "comfort women" is hardly contained in the past.
The comment says in part:
" ... I'd like to raise the current comfort women issue. Actually I don't care about the comfort women issue Japanese army caused. That's the history and over. Also it was just a problem lasting for five years or so though it was during the war time. However, the current comfort women problem has been going on for over half a century. Yes, the comfort women issue is still going on -- they changed the customers from the Japanese army to the USA army, but their business has kept on going."The following links are provided for further reading:
Modern day comfort women - University of Rhode Island.I have downloaded the article from the University of Rhode Island entitled "Modern Day Comfort Women: The US Military, Transnational Crime and the Trafficking of Women" by Donna M. Hughes, Katherine Y. Chon, and Derek P. Ellerman.
Also you can visit the page (modern comfort women) to know more, which is
The paper is not dated and I cannot at this point say whether it is published anywhere but it makes for an interesting read. In the past I have not paid mind to the issues and scope of analysis that are raised. As a result my interest in the issues of memory, confrontation, and comfort women has now benefitted greatly (the past is never just in the past.)
The introduction offers some insight into what is covered in the academic paper:
The U.S. military bases in Republic of Korea (commonly known as South Korea) form an international hub for trafficking of women for prostitution and related forms of sexual exploitation. The trafficking of women is a lucrative moneymaker for transnational organized crime networks, ranking third, behind drugs and arms, in criminal earnings. The traffickers recruit and transport women to meet the demand largely created by U.S. military personnel and civilian men in South Korea and the United States. In some cases, the U.S. servicemen themselves are traffickers working with Asian organized crime networks.
This paper will examine three types of trafficking that are connected to US military bases in South Korea: Domestic trafficking of Korean women to clubs around the military bases in South Korea, transnational trafficking of women to clubs around military bases in South Korea, and the transnational trafficking of women from South Korea to massage parlors in the United States. Although, the three types of trafficking will be discussed separately, in reality, they sometimes overlap. For example, in one case a Korean woman was the victim of multiple acts of trafficking: She was abducted at age 14 from her village in South Korea, and was repeatedly raped and exploited by soldiers of the South Korean army. An American soldier brought her to the U.S. through a sham marriage, where she was then trafficked within the U.S. on a massage parlor circuit.I cannot vouch for what the FaceBook links contain as some of you know that I actively do not participate in anything related to FaceBook - to the sometimes great annoyance of DD.
With the revelations coming from Edward Snowden maybe more folks should withdraw their consent and participation from FaceBook - but that is another story for another time.
Anyway, thank you to the anonymous commenter who made the above information available. I hope to hear more from you.
I've also never felt the need to use Facebook, and disliked the company from the start. I knew for a long time that Mark Zuckerberg referred to Facebook users as "dumb fucks" for trusting him with their data.
Yet what about the other implicated companies including Google?
It will be far harder to also withdraw consent and participation from more useful companies such as Google, yet that seems to be what is needed.
Alleman thank you kindly for your comment. I trust you are well.
I have read on your blog in the past that you too are not a fan of FB.
At the outset FB struck me as a facile way of communicating and interacting. As time passed it became more and more intrusive.
Google leans in that direction and it is worrying too.
I have held on to resisting FB and Google+. But now I am worried about Microsoft - again.
What must be done to roll back the grip these companies have on our beings in your estimation?
Should we be dumping Windows as an OS, for example? Are there viable alternatives to get off the grid so to speak and, thereby, to "withdraw consent and participation" as you say?
Thanks again for making me think Alleman - and worry some more too :0)
If you want to avoid all capture of your personal stuff into databases run by US companies and their friend in military agencies you need to do a whole lot more than just changing your OS.
Take a look, if you haven't already, at
If, however, you just want to make a protest against this shit, then you may as well keep what you have OS-wise, but avoid supporting Microsoft in the future, as just changing to Linux without doing all the other stuff will make little difference as to what gets captured.
I suspect you are right Alleman. I need to buy a new computer in the coming days and figuring a way around MS here in SA is going to be a headache.
Like you say rolling back on the companies who collect information on you must be a deliberate process.
I thought about your comment yesterday when I read this article that talks about Netflix:
All very worrying this big brother world.
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