Friday, February 16, 2007

The Middle Finger Salute

Who even noticed that Ricky Martin was a "headliner" act at Bush's 2001 inauguration ball? Well I did. I was wondering why he would support a president that was openly hostile to gays and lesbians. You heard the rumors, right?

But since 2001 the 'ol Menudo dude seems to have had a change of heart on Bush. To be exact, he is known to be anti-war. Kinda like Hillary is now.

Ricky explains his anti-war stance like so: "My convictions of peace and life go beyond any government and political agenda and as long as I have a voice onstage and offstage, I will always condemn war and those who promulgate it ..."


Now the Rickster has punctuated his stance on a stage in San Juan. Reports say, and he does not deny, that while singing his song "Asignatura Pendiente", which contains a reference to Bush, he raised his middle finger to salute the chief.

Cool. But how about an encore? Yes!

Salute the chief,

and again,

and safely too (because this post, my 60th, is after all from HIV/AIDS central).

I can imagine that Bush probably feels the same about Ricky and the rest of us.

But hey there are even those out there who can offer a double salute.

Oh hell, now my boy Cliff is gonna say that the CIA is watching ... and Mooi won't take my calls, again, ... you know how paranoid our generation is about f*c**ng with authority.

Even where the writing is on the wall.


atrackbrown said...

whatever, ricky. your suspicions should've been piqued back in 2001; however, i have nada issue with giving the ole bird to the bush. *finger raised*

hey ridwan. nice site here. because i enjoy both your content and humor, i'll be linking you to my site (with your permission of course).

Ridwan said...

Thanks for looking in atrackbrown. I like your site too and look forward to further posts (and wishing that spring hurries up for you).

I have linked your site to mine. And please do link mine to yours.

Best wishes,

atrackbrown said...

no problem, done.