Monday, May 21, 2012

Zapiro on Murray's Spear of the Nation

Comment: You knew it was coming, right?  And now Zapiro will be sued yet again by President Zuma.


Pstonie said...

Thanks for posting. Just found this gem in the painting's wikipedia page:

"The ANC Womens' League has also demanded that the exhibition be halted, and all instances of the image be removed from the internet."

The satirists' union submitted a formal complaint about politicians taking their jobs back in 2010, but it went over everyone's heads.

Ridwan said...

Hi there Pstonie:

I am not surprised it went over their heads - most politicos think they are indispensable.

Winnie is strangely silent would you not say? But I am not surprised by the ANCWL's statement.

Thank you for the wikepedia link. There will most likely be a serious update today pending the outcome of the ANC's application.

The interest in this story is huge as it should be. Yesterday this blog registered more than 3200 hits with the vast majority going directly to the posts on the membergate debacle.

I can hardly wait to hear what happens in court today - this being South Africa nothing can be certain.

Have a great day.
