Saturday, April 06, 2013

A Group of Native American Women are Walking the Length of the Mississippi River (1,200 miles) to Raise Awareness about Pollution

"A group of Native American women are walking the length of the Mississippi river — 1,200 miles — to raise awareness about pollution in the river and the need to make the river clean for seven generations. They carry with them a 1 and ½ quart bucket of clean water from the headwaters of the Mississippi which they plan to pour into the mouth of the river to show her what she can be."  (Zeese and Flowers: "Inspiration is Contagious", Counterpunch, April 5-7)
Read more about this inspirational story and others here.

Comment: The march began after a traditional Ojibwe water ceremony at Lake Itasca State Park on March 1.  The march will end on or close to April 29 in the Gulf not far from New Orleans according to a press release.

Sharon Day, an Ojibwe tribe member and executive director of the Indigenous Peoples Task Force, profoundly summed up the purpose of the march with these words:
“The water affects all of us.  We are all water.  We want people to recreate a relationship with the water, with themselves.”
You can reach Sharon Day at her email address for more information on the march and for instructions on how to provide financial support:

Follow the march on Facebook: Mississippi River Walkers
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